Welcome you to
By serving on a Tres Dias team, we agree to our commitments. We commit:
Our Time
Our Money
Our Spirit
Our Commitment
We are a team and people are counting on our full participation and attendance. A Tres Dias weekend is also a cloistered weekend. Team members are expected to:
Each Tres Dias Weekend is self-supporting. Team and candidate weekend fees collected are used to pay the expenses incurred for that weekend:
It is very important to bring to this team experience the same attitude you were asked to have when you made your Tres Dias Weekend:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and kindle them in the fire of Your love. Send Forth Your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructs the hearts of the faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
I believe, Lord, that You are here present. Although my eyes do not see You my faith senses You. Take any stray thoughts from my mind. Make me understand the truths that You wish to teach me in this meditation. Let me make up my mind to put them into practice. Your servant is listening; speak O Lord, to my soul.
We give thanks, Lord God Almighty, for all the benefits You have given us. To You, who live and reign forever and ever, Amen.
We want to ensure you are ably equipped, having all you will need throughout the weekend. Click the button below to download the packing list template.
In the Cursillo movement, being “in colors” is to be in God’s grace. For that reason, Cursillo participants (cursillistas, or candidates/pescadores in Tres Dias) greet each other with the phrase “De Colores” (in Colors).
A story from the early days of the movement in Spain tells of an occasion where a group of men were returning from a Cursillo weekend when their bus broke down. They began to sing De Colores, a traditional folk song. The use of the song in Cursillo took hold, and has held up as the movement has spread outside the Spanish-speaking world and to other denominations and three day movements like Tres Dias. The use of a multi-colored rooster as a symbol for the Cursillo movement is believed to have originated from one of the verses of that song.
De Colores, De Colores the fields love to
dress in all during the springtime.
De Colores, De Colores the birds have
their clothing that comes every season.
De Colores, De Colores the rainbow is
vested across the blue sky.
De Colores and so must all love
be of every bright color to make
my heart cry. (Repeat)
Sing the rooster, Sing the rooster with his
kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri.
And the cluck -hen. And the cluck -hen with
her cara cara cara cara cara.
And the babe-chicks. And the babe-chicks
with their pio pio pio pio pi.
De Colores and so must all love
be of every bright color to make
my heart cry. (Repeat)
A Spanish word that literally means a “lever.” A lever enables a person to lift or move something far beyond his or her natural strength. In Tres Dias, spiritual palanca signifies the tremendous spiritual elevation provided by Grace that is realized following a small effort from humans.
Thank you for your commitment to pray, bake, love and give of yourself! Each weekend is a blessing to the candidates, team and community. You may create a Palanca blessing by yourself, but also consider working with your reunion group or a friend to enjoy fellowship while you create your Palanca.
Remember what Palanca did for you!
Rollo Room Palanca:
Six (6) containers (one for each table of up to 9) or 60 individual items. (This will include some extra). Many people include extra for the Rector and even for the Palanca team.
Please package your palanca neatly and include a note to be read in the rollo room by the Palanca Chas.
Bed Palanca (Candidates):
40 individual items (one for each Candidate; (includes extras). Individual bed Palanca for the Candidates is not allowed.
Bed Palanca (Team):
You may give individual bed Palanca to teammates or you may wish to give some to each team member (90), please remember the weekend is for the Candidates . . . think of them first.
Kitchen Palanca (125):
For the dining tables at meals. This Palanca should be given to the Head Kitchen to use as needed. This Palanca is greatly appreciated by the Kitchen Chas.
May be “theme” banners or a banner of your choice. They should be no wider than four (4) feet and no longer than six (6) feet. Please give banners to the Palanca Cha at send-off with a note and list of those who helped create it and when to present it. All banners become the property of JATD.
Prayer Palanca:
The community provides prayer throughout the entire 72-hour weekend. Even though a person is not serving on the weekend, he or she can be an essential part by praying for an hour. It is vitally important that prayer cover the whole weekend. If someone calls you to pray for a weekend on which you are not serving, please commit to pray for an hour and keep your commitment.
Oven Palanca:
Baked goods from the community provide desserts for the weekend. Someone may call you to help with baked goods or you may call the Secretariat Palanca Couple to volunteer. Put baked goods in something that does not need to be returned, put your name on the package and take it to send-off.
Participation in prayer Palanca for rollos is one of the greatest blessings of working a Tres Dias Weekend.
You and another team member will go to the prayer room with the rollistas and a spiritual director. Each of you will offer up a short prayer for the rollistas, the rollo and the candidates. The rollista and the spiritual director will then leave for the rollo room. From the time they leave until they return to the chapel, you and your prayer partner will be interceding for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in the rollo room.
To help you in praying specifically, a poster showing the seating arrangements will be displayed. This will enable you to pray by name and by table for each candidate and professor. Also, it will include each team member by area of service.
Here are some general guidelines to remember while you pray:
“Jesus Christ who died, more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” (Romans 8:34)
There is no written job description for Kitchen Chas as the Assistant Kitchen Chas will train. Please refer to the General Cha section of your team book.
The purpose of the Jamaica Tres Dias, Inc. is to bring others to Christ through Christian apostolic action in all environments of which its members are a part.
This manual is intended to be used as a place to record all matters that are considered necessary to be clarified as the Policies and Practices of the Jamaica Tres Dias Secretariat. Jamaica Tres Dias adheres to the Essentials of Tres Dias as published by the International Tres Dias Secretariat and these Essentials are to be considered part of this Policies and Practices Manual.
Please check back for more details!